Address Entry Information

Data Dictionary for Electronic Health Record (EHR) System

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
PatName Patient Name The full name of the patient whose record is being accessed or updated.
AddrEntryID Address Entry Identifier A unique identifier for tracking specific address entries associated with patient records.
AddrTypeID Address Type Identifier A code referencing the type of address listed, such as home, business, or billing.
StreetAddr Street Address The specific street address associated with the patient for mailing or location purposes.
DateFrom Date Valid From The commencement date from which the listed address is recognized as valid for the patient.
DateTo Date Valid To The end date until which the listed address is considered valid for the patient.
FIPSCodeID FIPS Code Identifier An identifier that corresponds to the Federal Information Processing Standards code, used for systematic geographic coding of addresses.
IsDefault Default Address Indicator A binary indicator signifying whether the address listed is the primary (default) one used for the patient.
IsVerified Address Verification Status A status indicator reflecting whether the patient's address has been verified for accuracy.
IsVerifiedNote Address Verification Note Any notes or comments regarding the verification of the address, including details on verification methods or issues.
RecptID Recipient Identifier A unique identifier indicating the intended recipient of communications or documents at the address, which may not always be the patient.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Identifier A code describing the type of recipient for mail or communications, such as patient, guardian, or medical proxy.
ZipCodeID ZIP Code Identifier An identifier linking to specific information about the ZIP code associated with the patient's address.
ZUChkSum Audit Checksum Value A checksum used in audit logging to ensure data integrity and detect any unauthorized alterations to the address record.
ZUDate Audit Date The date and time when the record was last audited, indicating the most recent verification or change to the address data.
ZULogonHisID User Login History Identifier A reference identifier linking to the user account history log that captured the particular interaction (creation, access, or update) of this address entry.
AddrTypeName Address Type Name The descriptive name of the address type, such as 'residential', 'business', or 'temporary', providing a label for the address category.
ZipCode ZIP Code The postal ZIP code associated with the patient's address, used for mail sorting and location services.
CityName City Name The name of the city linked to the patient's address, important for geographical identification and local administrative purposes.
StateAbbr State Abbreviation The abbreviated form of the state name as per USPS designations, facilitating concise postal address listings.
CountryName Country Name The official name of the country in which the address is located, which is critical for international correspondence and legal documentation.